Mom Inc. was formed with the arrival of our little one. I hope you enjoy reading about our journey.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
The Perfect Weekend
Let me tell you about our weekend, not in sequential order but rather in terms of those little raindrops of happiness.
Shabd learnt to slide! He determinedly pushed his way past our protective hands, climbed up the slide, turned around, sat himself down and with a "wheee" he let go. His Papa caught him at the bottom, their smiles ingrained in my mind; Shabd's of pure childish joy while Akash's that of a proud parent. Our little baby is growing up and he's making sure we allow him his space to do just that!
Shabd drank his first fruit smoothie the same day. While we applauded his newly discovered ability to pull through a straw, given the right incentive it would seem that Shabd can do anything, Shabd's eyes simply widened as the cold sweet smoothie hit his tongue. Can eyes show surprise and joy at the same time? They are after all the windows to ones soul is it not.
We also took Shabd shopping with us, given his glee on the slide earlier that day, we've decided, like any other logically minded parents would, to buy him a slide, or "glissade" as they say in Creole. We went into Mr. Bricolage and Shabd had an absolute ball climbing and clambering over the outdoor furniture, mistaking some very arty farty deck chairs for mini slides. At Espace Shabd was mesmerized by the fishies (as Dipika masi calls them) but we had to make a quick getaway after Shabd tried to catch the fishies and then fearlessly pushed his little fingers into the rabbit cage for the rabbits to nibble on!
Today we went to the beach with the family. Shaba was surrounded by an all too adoring fan club, and Shabd ensured he did not disappoint his loyal fans. He dutifully sat on Nani's lap, allowed the dadi's to feed him and smiled charmingly when he saw his own precious dadi. Shabd also ensured the Dada's took him for long walks, okay, they ran after him! Truth be told, so did the dadi's and they enjoyed every moment of it!
Akash and I took him for a walk on the water's edge...and before we knew it, our feet were soaked and Shabd had the most amazingly beautiful smile plastered to his face. For a moment, he looked up at me and his eyes said to me, "Mum, this is the greatest fun I've ever had!"
We ended this perfect weekend with a game of hide and seek. You see, I've been reading up again, and at about 18 months (or thereabouts) separation anxiety peaks and it is suggested that games like hide and seek are played to help with the anxiety. So we played hide and seek. I hid myself behind our couches and behind the wall and under the table and behind the dining room chair...and every time Shabd found me; his footsteps quickened, his arms were flung open, and his laughter rang through the house as he enveloped me in a hug.
It was the perfect weekend. The weather was a rainstorm of happiness.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Celebrating his ONEness!
Shabd's birthday started with hugs and kisses. We still can't believe he's ONE. We had a packed agenda for the little one-year old. Breakfast, bath, presents, walk in the garden, play with the doggies, presents, back in for a nap, out for lunch with nounou, presents, back home for more play and doo-doo before a nice long nap, presents, then the big party with even more presents and guests!
Going to let the pictures tell you about Shabd's day.
"So the pictures with nounou Lysie are not here...because mom is allowed to forget her camera sometimes. My First birthday is not the ideal time for her to start doing that, but it's okay. We had fun! We took nounou to Flying Dodo in Bagatelle and ate a lovely lunch. I particularly liked playing outside in the white, fun, fun!" says Shabd.
And that was Shabd's FIRST birthday. It was a simple celebration, okay simple chic. But a celebration none-the-less. We've learnt that in life, our moments are counted, so we should ensure we spend our moments with those that count. Those invited see Shabd on an almost daily basis. They come play with him, they feed him, they have bathed him, they invite him into their homes, they make him sleep, they help us out, give us advice but most of all they really and truly love Shabd.
I missed my family.
Going to let the pictures tell you about Shabd's day.
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Just woke up and still getting lots of hugs! |
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Time for a bath! I have a feeling, that tonight's going to be a good night! |
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Do I look like my Papa? |
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My first Horsie...and he's a little scary! |
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Another present...i love it! |
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Thanks i have my own chair for the beach |
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I'd rather be we have to cut this cake? Seriously guys?! |
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Chacha is the funniest guy i know. He's so much fun! |
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Even more pictures with my cousins and Dadi Ambi |
"So the pictures with nounou Lysie are not here...because mom is allowed to forget her camera sometimes. My First birthday is not the ideal time for her to start doing that, but it's okay. We had fun! We took nounou to Flying Dodo in Bagatelle and ate a lovely lunch. I particularly liked playing outside in the white, fun, fun!" says Shabd.
And that was Shabd's FIRST birthday. It was a simple celebration, okay simple chic. But a celebration none-the-less. We've learnt that in life, our moments are counted, so we should ensure we spend our moments with those that count. Those invited see Shabd on an almost daily basis. They come play with him, they feed him, they have bathed him, they invite him into their homes, they make him sleep, they help us out, give us advice but most of all they really and truly love Shabd.
I missed my family.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Birthday Jitters
Where do I even begin to tell you about Shabd’s great big FIRST birthday? The anxiety prior, what do we do? Who do we invite? What will we serve? Who will cook? Do we outsource?
Between you and I, if i had to be absolutely honest, the stressing and planning began months ago!
So how do i tell you about Shabd's big day?
Let's begin at the beginning, as most beginnings begin - the days leading up to the big FIRST BIRTHDAY. Stay tuned, this blog comes in editions!
Let me begin my alleviating your and my fear; turning the big 1 was a blast for Shabd! (Us included).
To bake or not to bake was the Shakespearian sonnet being sung dolefully in our home for many a night. There are positives associated with homemade; let’s face it, it’s made with love, it shows dedication, patience and belief in one’s talents with a piping bag. And then there is the other side; it’s so much easier to order a cake, it saves time and avoids anxiety on the part of the ‘would have been’ baker, "professional" trumps "homemade" in terms of appearance and presentation of the cake hands down!Yours truly, always up for a challenge opted “Homemade”. And then meekly called her sister for help! Who, as Dipika always does, came galloping to the rescue!
We would bake a cake…Check!
We would cut it out in the shape of the number 1….Check!
We would ice it in green and blue….What?! With a piping bag? Alone? Is it too late to call the bakery and order one? Apparently yes, too late!
Then we would print animal decals on edible paper and place on the cake…Where on Earth, or should I rather say "Where on planet Mauritius" was I going to find edible paper!
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Whoever said icing was hard? |
This plan was starting to get complicated and I was starting to feel like McGyver, ek moet nou 'n plan maak. Luckily, i sourced a little cake supply store close by…and they print on edible paper! Yay…’n boer maak ‘n plan!
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Even Papa gets busy with Project Koek! |
Would you believe that I took a days leave to bake the cake?! And indeed, it took me a whole day to prepare. But I won’t bore you with the details, aside from a panicked call to Superhero Dipika (the 1 didn’t look like a 1!) and plenty of excitement as layer by layer of icing was gently smoothed onto the cake, it took form!
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TA DA! |
Cake done - check!
Now to set up the venue.
By now, Akash had understood the "Naran" way of doing things and had gotten into the swing of it. He'd set up the "venue" already...streamers and lights and all! Didn't he do a fantastic job?
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Papa set up the 'venue' - he felt all Naran...The son my father didn't meet! |
Oh! I was so caught up in the cake that i forgot to mention Akash's contribution. Yes, not only is he handy at draping and lights, but he's artistic too!
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The Family Tree |
Everyone that attended the party were invited to make their mark on the family tree.
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Like life, our family tree is work in progress, one leaf at a time |
Please come visit soon, we'd love for you to add your fingerprint to Shabd's family tree.
We would like to Thank Dipika masi for her HUGE involvement in Project "Shabd turns 1" and acknowledge her amazing design talents. Invitation card, welcome sign, streamers, cake design...all Dipika masi!
I was sad that my family would not be around to help me plan this milestone in Shabd's life. And amazingly, Master works in mysterious ways. He ensures we get what we need exactly when we need it. Even if that need is a guiding note from Chandrika masi, or a call from Mummy during a particularly stressful day, or a message from Trish, or advice from Kamal or a virtual Dipika by my side. Varshabd & Akashabd are blessed that you are in our family tree!
Monday, 8 July 2013
In Ons Veld
Our green space is more a veld then a garden. Not in terms of huge open space, but rather because our little veld is so wild and untamed. To mummy, this is cause for concern, there could be all sorts of creepy crawly's lurking in the long grass. To this over protective lioness, our wild veld represents a danger to my little cub!
We mark the passing of time in our veld by the lengthening of our shadows. With the last few rays of sunshine, God bathes Shabd in His golden light and i know we are blessed.
Unfortunately (or is it fortunately?), to Mustafa and Simba the veld might as well be a theme park...with bright "ADVENTURE HERE" signs flashing everywhere. Our veld is filled with interesting critters to poke and prod at. Rocks to clamber over. Stones to taste and sand to eat. Not to mention uncharted territory yet to be mapped.
Every afternoon, Shabd and I catch the last few rays of sunshine exploring our little veld. The anticipation begins as soon as he pushes his little hand through the arm of his jacket, his excitement rising, he knows in a few minutes he'll be on an adventure!
Some days, Shabd likes me to hold his band while he stomps up and down the yard. Stopping every now and then to kick up some sand or shove an errant stone out of his way.
Other times, Shabd wants his space. He likes to go crawling on all fours to those wild uncharted parts of the veld, stopping here and there to closely examine an interesting leaf, offering it to me when he's done with his examination. Bravo Shabd! Thanks for not eating that leaf!
Shabd has a preference for twigs. These are prize acquisitions. His eyes widen with excitement when he spots one. And he can sit still for a full five minutes examining his precious twig. A twig will only be discarded in favour of a stone, which must be licked as part of his examination process, much to the alarm of his mother!
We mark the passing of time in our veld by the lengthening of our shadows. With the last few rays of sunshine, God bathes Shabd in His golden light and i know we are blessed.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
What's In a Birthday?
I have struggled with deciding what we would do for Shabd's 1st birthday. Do we go all out and have a huge party...but there are no petting Zoe's to be hired on the island (or so I think).
Who needs a petting zoo, like seriously...he's going to be ONE! We can figure out the petting zoo for another birthday. no petting zoo....hum dee dum...what to do?
Well, I presume as is the custom with the Beekharry family, a big Havana will be planned, with a party thereafter! Oh gosh! Will Shabd survive this? Will I survive it? No! The house is upside down with the renovations...I won't be able to take the stress...neither will Akash cope with me as ek uit gestress is! Hhmmm...back to square one!
If only Dipika was here...she'd have a solution...and the detailed project plan to go along with it!
Replace the words "petting zoo" with any other party idea and the outcome is always the same...not feasible! All the while, the clock keeps ticking away.
So here we are, 9 days away from the big ONE and I'm still not fixed in what we will do to celebrate this momentous day. We've decided to do away with any notions of a big bash...on account of a dire lack of siblings and close friends and family on the island...from my side that is!
We'll ask the dada's and dadi's of the yard over for dinner on Shabd's birthday...Dipika masi kindly designed an invitation for us. And we'll take Shabd with his cousin Nayshad to an "animal park" in the weekend.
Is this enough to mark his First Birthday?
I'm working hard at making these two events a success for Shabd...and I'm not sure he'll even remember the great day. Oh well, sometimes it's about the baby and sometimes it's about the mummy!
Who needs a petting zoo, like seriously...he's going to be ONE! We can figure out the petting zoo for another birthday. no petting zoo....hum dee dum...what to do?
Well, I presume as is the custom with the Beekharry family, a big Havana will be planned, with a party thereafter! Oh gosh! Will Shabd survive this? Will I survive it? No! The house is upside down with the renovations...I won't be able to take the stress...neither will Akash cope with me as ek uit gestress is! Hhmmm...back to square one!
If only Dipika was here...she'd have a solution...and the detailed project plan to go along with it!
Replace the words "petting zoo" with any other party idea and the outcome is always the same...not feasible! All the while, the clock keeps ticking away.
So here we are, 9 days away from the big ONE and I'm still not fixed in what we will do to celebrate this momentous day. We've decided to do away with any notions of a big bash...on account of a dire lack of siblings and close friends and family on the island...from my side that is!
We'll ask the dada's and dadi's of the yard over for dinner on Shabd's birthday...Dipika masi kindly designed an invitation for us. And we'll take Shabd with his cousin Nayshad to an "animal park" in the weekend.
Is this enough to mark his First Birthday?
I'm working hard at making these two events a success for Shabd...and I'm not sure he'll even remember the great day. Oh well, sometimes it's about the baby and sometimes it's about the mummy!
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Father's Day
Since the passing of my father, I’ve felt quite bitter every Father’s Day knowing that my father was not here.
Father’s Day at our home was a special affair, there would be some pre-planning that went into what exactly we would get him, there was always something bought and something handmade. Not because we could not afford to buy him stuff, but rather because in my home, handmade was special, it said “I love you enough to make something of my own hands for you.”
We would all lurk around, waiting for my daddy to go for his shower, and then there would be a scurry of activity as we rushed about trying to arrange all his gifts just perfect on his dresser. After which, we would quietly retreat to our respective spaces, ears pricked up for sounds of the bathroom door opening. We knew it would take him a few minutes to carefully open his gifts, read his cards and then come around the house hugging and kissing us to say thanks! What a special memory that is, one that never fades. It is so deeply ingrained that it is like a moving picture in my mind.
So how do I still honour Father’s Day this year and make the day special for AkaShabd without feeling that familiar bitterness? To be honest, until Akash woke up on Father’s Day and we gave him his Father’s Day gifts, I expected that familiar bitterness to creep in. It did not. Instead, when I saw Akash’s eyes widen in surprise and his smile widen even more at the sight of his gifts, I imagined this is what my daddy felt every year.
Father and son spent the morning in bed, teaching each other how to operate the cordless screwdriver and which drill bit would be best to remove the stubborn screws in Shabd’s room (that’s being renovated at the moment, but that’s a topic for another blog). They hugged, and cuddled and argued about who gets to play with which part of present. I sat with my camera and tried to capture the love and smiles, the laughter and the joy, but a camera does no justice to the event. It captures images, but not emotions. So I quietly sat on my couch and watched on over my boys playing, and I thought of my daddy and prayed he was watching over this little scene, wishing him a happy Father’s Day!
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A father always watches over his child |
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Daddy is always watching over us! |
Saturday, 22 June 2013
Wobbly Legs
Shabd has mastered the fine art of crawling at high speed. We've tried, to hold his hands and encourage him to walk, but he had decided that crawling was just so much more efficient and faster at getting to his goal. Especially when his goal is a forbidden the study or TV room!
Despite the contentious debate out there around walkers, Akash could not resist and bought one for Shabd. It's quite cool...has a steering wheel, gears and lots of highly annoying noises. What a joy! Shabd outright ignored the contraption for the 1st month! With nounou's kind entreaties and her immense patience, Shabd spends some time in the walker.
These past two weeks, Shabd has become more steadier...and when he's intently caught up in examining his dad's cell phone he doesn't realise he's standing on his own, then he takes a step right and whoops...his hand reaches out to steady himself.
He's also learning about his centre of balance too...again with the help of a present from Papa. This time a little push car.
Every evening, we come home and are amazed at how much growth happened that day. We come home to a smiling boy, who knows he's growing and discovering the world around him. He's learning about wobbly legs and coordinating right and left, and taking small steps and giant leaps. Through these discoveries, he always looks up expectantly at me, smiling, his eyes asking, "Mum, did you see that?"
From bendy legs to wobbly legs...and from wobbly legs to toddling legs...every day has amazement in it with Shabd in our lives!
Despite the contentious debate out there around walkers, Akash could not resist and bought one for Shabd. It's quite cool...has a steering wheel, gears and lots of highly annoying noises. What a joy! Shabd outright ignored the contraption for the 1st month! With nounou's kind entreaties and her immense patience, Shabd spends some time in the walker.
These past two weeks, Shabd has become more steadier...and when he's intently caught up in examining his dad's cell phone he doesn't realise he's standing on his own, then he takes a step right and whoops...his hand reaches out to steady himself.
He's also learning about his centre of balance too...again with the help of a present from Papa. This time a little push car.
Every evening, we come home and are amazed at how much growth happened that day. We come home to a smiling boy, who knows he's growing and discovering the world around him. He's learning about wobbly legs and coordinating right and left, and taking small steps and giant leaps. Through these discoveries, he always looks up expectantly at me, smiling, his eyes asking, "Mum, did you see that?"
From bendy legs to wobbly legs...and from wobbly legs to toddling legs...every day has amazement in it with Shabd in our lives!
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
The Sleep Struggle
Since Shabd was born, we've struggled with sleep...both us and him. We were not getting enough and Shabd just didn't need a lot. Shabd will be 11 months next week, and he still doesn't need much sleep, we still don't get enough sleep! I think it's time to accept the sad fact that i will never sleep soundly again.
Until 3 weeks ago, strangely coinciding with the start of Shabd's rhume (cold), Shabd had a fantastic routine. He ate his dinner at 17h00, bath at 18h00 then doo-doo and in bed by 19h30 - at the latest! Leaving us free to eat dinner together, still a luxuary post Shabd's arrival, and catch up. All of the sudden, it seems that Shabd has decided that he is now old enough to be part of the dinner routine and has subsequently started taking his afternoon nap progressively later so that he has the fuel to keep him going till much later.
This resulted, as you can imagine, in parents completly out of skelter with their trusted routine! "What happened?!" And along with being out of skelter, comes annoyance. Until someone quite plainly pointed out that i was being selfish! Shabd misses us during the day and wants to spend more time with us during the evening. Instead of mourning the change in routine, enjoy this new one!
So we've relaxed on the 'rules' and the 'routines' business and Shabd joins us for dinner and catches-up, adding his bit to our conversations now.
Being creatures of habit, we still try and train him to sit in his high chair during dinner, as a well behaved little boy should. A duty he obligingly does for about 10 minutes, before clamouring onto his papa to sneak a morsel off his papa's dinner plate.
Shabd must really enjoy spending all this extra time with us during the eveings, as it's a struggle to get him to go to sleep, despite large yawns and eye rubbing and chook sucking. We need to prepare his doo-doo, dim all the lights and then take turns between us for the final bedtime nodding-off-to-sleep ritual of either Akash carring Shabd round the house singing his favourite KK song or I gently bouncing Shabd on his big blue ball singing "Hare Rama Hare Krishna" until he drifts off to dreamland. Not an easy feat when Shabd is positively determined to stay awake, after all, the world is so much more exciting when my mum and papa are home!
By the time Shabd finally falls asleep, we're exhausted and quickly follow his lead to dreamland...And just to make sure he's not been left out of too much excitement and goings-on, Shabd wakes up at around 23h00 or 03h00 or both, for a quick sip of doo-doo and a looksee! I'm told that i can expect to sleep well again when Shabd grows up and leaves the home a mature, responsible man. Until then, i've been advised to accept my reality, sleep will be not mine!
Until 3 weeks ago, strangely coinciding with the start of Shabd's rhume (cold), Shabd had a fantastic routine. He ate his dinner at 17h00, bath at 18h00 then doo-doo and in bed by 19h30 - at the latest! Leaving us free to eat dinner together, still a luxuary post Shabd's arrival, and catch up. All of the sudden, it seems that Shabd has decided that he is now old enough to be part of the dinner routine and has subsequently started taking his afternoon nap progressively later so that he has the fuel to keep him going till much later.
This resulted, as you can imagine, in parents completly out of skelter with their trusted routine! "What happened?!" And along with being out of skelter, comes annoyance. Until someone quite plainly pointed out that i was being selfish! Shabd misses us during the day and wants to spend more time with us during the evening. Instead of mourning the change in routine, enjoy this new one!
So we've relaxed on the 'rules' and the 'routines' business and Shabd joins us for dinner and catches-up, adding his bit to our conversations now.
Being creatures of habit, we still try and train him to sit in his high chair during dinner, as a well behaved little boy should. A duty he obligingly does for about 10 minutes, before clamouring onto his papa to sneak a morsel off his papa's dinner plate.
Shabd must really enjoy spending all this extra time with us during the eveings, as it's a struggle to get him to go to sleep, despite large yawns and eye rubbing and chook sucking. We need to prepare his doo-doo, dim all the lights and then take turns between us for the final bedtime nodding-off-to-sleep ritual of either Akash carring Shabd round the house singing his favourite KK song or I gently bouncing Shabd on his big blue ball singing "Hare Rama Hare Krishna" until he drifts off to dreamland. Not an easy feat when Shabd is positively determined to stay awake, after all, the world is so much more exciting when my mum and papa are home!
By the time Shabd finally falls asleep, we're exhausted and quickly follow his lead to dreamland...And just to make sure he's not been left out of too much excitement and goings-on, Shabd wakes up at around 23h00 or 03h00 or both, for a quick sip of doo-doo and a looksee! I'm told that i can expect to sleep well again when Shabd grows up and leaves the home a mature, responsible man. Until then, i've been advised to accept my reality, sleep will be not mine!
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
The Sniffles
Even here in Mauritius, we experience winter. Most often, with the threat of an anti-cyclone in the area, the days are overcast, rainy, windy and all together very un-island like. The anti-cyclone usually lasts for 3-4 days, enough to make any islander miff! Shabd is no exception.
While he is gifted with his mother's superior genes, he does on occasion succumb to the odd viral/bacterial infection. This has been the case for the past 3 weeks. What we thought was a bout of the common sniffles has turned into 'rhume' - runny nose as Shabds paediatrician, Doctor T. so eloquently put it.
Doctor Thancanamootoo (try saying that with a mouth stuffed with bhajia), or Doctor T. as we so fondly refer to him is our go-to guy when Shabd is not well. We found him in the yellow pages on the Sunday Shabd turned one month old and was crying inconsolably. We of course, being the cool calm inexperienced newly inducted parents, were clueless on what to do. He was the only Paediatrician consulting, on emergency cases, on a Sunday. Obviously, we've stuck with him.
Doctor T. in a gentleman, quite advanced in years with excellent bedside this i mean bedside manner toward ME, the mother! He is quite small in stature, baldingish, gentle and witty. When we asked how often we should wash Shabd's hair for example, he replied that since Shabd did not go into the sugarcane fields everyday, there was not reason to wash it daily! Or when Shabd growled at him quite menacingly, by the way that's the new sound: "grrrrrrr" Doctor T quite calmly replied, "Yes...yes...I'm afraid!"
While he is gifted with his mother's superior genes, he does on occasion succumb to the odd viral/bacterial infection. This has been the case for the past 3 weeks. What we thought was a bout of the common sniffles has turned into 'rhume' - runny nose as Shabds paediatrician, Doctor T. so eloquently put it.
Doctor Thancanamootoo (try saying that with a mouth stuffed with bhajia), or Doctor T. as we so fondly refer to him is our go-to guy when Shabd is not well. We found him in the yellow pages on the Sunday Shabd turned one month old and was crying inconsolably. We of course, being the cool calm inexperienced newly inducted parents, were clueless on what to do. He was the only Paediatrician consulting, on emergency cases, on a Sunday. Obviously, we've stuck with him.
Doctor T. in a gentleman, quite advanced in years with excellent bedside this i mean bedside manner toward ME, the mother! He is quite small in stature, baldingish, gentle and witty. When we asked how often we should wash Shabd's hair for example, he replied that since Shabd did not go into the sugarcane fields everyday, there was not reason to wash it daily! Or when Shabd growled at him quite menacingly, by the way that's the new sound: "grrrrrrr" Doctor T quite calmly replied, "Yes...yes...I'm afraid!"
Doctor T is gentle, calm and available. And when you're a new mom and your family are kilometres away and a BBM consult with Tascia comes with its own challenges (no BBM anymore) then the closest one can come to reassurance is a Doctor T! Sometimes, i call him just for a comfort chat..."Yes Mrs. Beekharry, Shabd's a bright boy, he's developing well...nasal lavage three times a day. Call me tomorrow to let me know how he's progressing...okay then, goodbye."
Shabd by the way, is doing much better. Unfortunately, after 3 weeks of this rhume, Doctor T was obliged to prescribe antibiotics. "He's a strong boy, Mrs. Beekharry. Don't worry, he'll be fine."
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Rub a Dub Dub
Bath time at our home is the highlight of the evening. At the sound of the water running, Shabd's little eyes light up...Yay! It's bath time!
He crawls at breakneck speed to get to the bathroom, his eyes opening even wider in excitement the minute he catches a glimpse of his papa near the tub.
The next few minutes are a scurry of activity in between trying to remove cumbersome slippers, pants and t-shirt at the same time assuring papa that the water temperature is indeed 'just right!'
What joy! He looks up and the widest smile imaginable is plastered to his little face. This must be little boy heaven!
He crawls at breakneck speed to get to the bathroom, his eyes opening even wider in excitement the minute he catches a glimpse of his papa near the tub.
The next few minutes are a scurry of activity in between trying to remove cumbersome slippers, pants and t-shirt at the same time assuring papa that the water temperature is indeed 'just right!'
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Anticipation! |
At long last, after what must seem like an eternity to Shabd, he's finally plonked into his blue one-eyed rabbit tub, afloat with a cornucopia of ducks, fish and even the odd smiley mug or two!
What joy! He looks up and the widest smile imaginable is plastered to his little face. This must be little boy heaven!
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