Monday, 8 July 2013

In Ons Veld

Our green space is more a veld then a garden. Not in terms of huge open space, but rather because our little veld is so wild and untamed. To mummy, this is cause for concern, there could be all sorts of creepy crawly's lurking in the long grass. To this over protective lioness, our wild veld represents a danger to my little cub!

 Unfortunately (or is it fortunately?), to Mustafa and Simba the veld might as well be a theme park...with bright "ADVENTURE HERE" signs flashing everywhere. Our veld is filled with interesting critters to poke and prod at. Rocks to clamber over. Stones to taste and sand to eat. Not to mention uncharted territory yet to be mapped.

Every afternoon, Shabd and I catch the last few rays of sunshine exploring our little veld. The anticipation begins as soon as he pushes his little hand through the arm of his jacket, his excitement rising, he knows in a few minutes he'll be on an adventure!

Some days, Shabd likes me to hold his band while he stomps up and down the yard. Stopping every now and then to kick up some sand or shove an errant stone out of his way.

Other times, Shabd wants his space. He likes to go crawling on all fours to those wild uncharted parts of the veld, stopping here and there to closely examine an interesting leaf, offering it to me when he's done with his examination. Bravo Shabd! Thanks for not eating that leaf!

Shabd has a preference for twigs. These are prize acquisitions. His eyes widen with excitement when he spots one. And he can sit still for a full five minutes examining his precious twig. A twig will only be discarded in favour of a stone, which must be licked as part of his examination process, much to the alarm of his mother!

We mark the passing of time in our veld by the lengthening of our shadows. With the last few rays of sunshine, God bathes Shabd in His golden light and i know we are blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... Environmental scientist in the making? Just like his Masa! Love the pics, portrays the bliss on Shabd's face so appropriately!
