Change and adjustment and acceptance and then change again...and so the cycle goes. It's like a hamster wheel, this change, a hamster wheel that keeps accelerating. Change is tough for us adults and children alike. I think too often we cop out by saying "kids are adaptable". According to who?
I think kids haven't developed and advanced enough vocabulary to express how they feel during change. I also think that given how they experience the concept of time, where 5 minutes and 5 hours feels just as long if they're not happy, it makes it all the more difficult for them to adjust to change. And can someone please tell me how long it takes for these so called adaptable kids to adapt?
As you can surmise, I'm a right bag of self doubt and guilt at this moment. I've started questioning that old belief that kids adapt. I never bothered to ask how exactly do they cope because Shabd simply coped! He's a resilient kid.
He started a new school this January and suddenly he's not adapting. He misses his nounou, he misses his "baby school" he misses me.
I've tried to comfort him and I've affirmed his unique talent in being able to make friends quickly. Ive done affirmations. I've even tried putting a night time routine in place. He's adjusting very slowly to his new reality. And I feel so powerless. I wish I could make everything okay. But I can't. And change happens as sure as the Earth spins around the sun. I want to hold him tight in my arms and stop the clocks from ticking. I also recognize that I'm being given the unique opportunity to teach my child about life and change and that he has the resources within him to adapt. Like I've been telling him every morning, " You've got this!"
turbulent days :)